Benefits of Commercial Awnings to a Business on a Hot Summer Afternoon

Commercial awnings are perfect for a hot summer afternoon, due to the cooling effects it brings to a property. A commercial awning is a covering which is attached onto the outside wall of a building. Awnings may be made of cotton or polyester, acrylic or vinyl. They are good at keeping the heat out, helping you control the temperature in your business, and providing a nice shade to relax in and enjoy the summer breeze in. Some of the benefits a commercial awning adds to a business are as follows: Firstly, they enable one to control the temperature in their own home or business. Research has shown that awnings can reduce the temperature underneath it by almost 20 degrees. This cooling effect will also extend into the house, since awnings...
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Public spaces: The public garden

One of the things you realise being in London is that we should take our gardens outside of the city for granted. We have these gardens, often overgrown, full of rubbish and whatever junk we can’t fit in the house – but in London? You’d be lucky to have even a potted plant to call your own. Instead in London we see the inclusion of bigger public spaces to make up for the lack of personal, private ones. You see commons, gardens, fields all being appropriated by the public for their use. You can use them for exercise, use them for parties, for picnics or for any other kind of activity. Given that space is at a premium in London, those people looking for a little nature of their own...
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The post party garden cleanup

I have written hundreds, if not thousands, of words about respecting gardens, enjoying the peace and tranquility of it all and really putting your feet up and relishing that holistic, natural experience of the great outdoors in your own personal space. Occasionally though that peace gets disrupted. The party I was at over the weekend certainly showed no great respect for anything, least of all a garden. Once the dust had settled and the weary eyed began to stir to survey the carnage it was pretty clear this would be a monumental clean up effort, not least in the garden itself. Cans on the floor, food everywhere, turned over tables and chairs, general waste spread all over the grass and in the bushes, puddles of sick littered about. It was...
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Ways Of Clean Your Residential Awnings

A homeowner has option to choose from a wide variety of residential awnings. But each awning is effective in preventing harsh sunlight from entering into the homes. At the same time, an awning can further enhance the aesthetic appeal of your property. But the awning remains outside, and has to combat harsh weather conditions. So often they become dirty. You can always restore the original look and feel of the awning by cleaning them at least twice a year. It is also a good idea to take the awning down to easily clean the harder-to-reach areas. Brush the Dirt and Debris Off: The awning needs to be washed thoroughly using a solution. But you must use a brush to remove the loose dirt and debris. The brushing off will prevent...
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Pruning bushes: Cutting back

One of my favourite gardening activities is pruning. That is the art of grabbing a pair of giant scissors and going to town on anything that looks remotely out of kilter in your garden. It is an extremely cathartic experience; you can release all kinds of tension from your stressful days at work. It is also a useful experience for your actual garden itself. When your garden starts to overgrow the detrimental effects can be many. First of all having an overgrown garden is an extremely ugly affair. Vines, weeds and stray, loose ends all over the place It can be unruly and not much fun to be in, when usually the garden is a space which we are supposed to enjoy. The second effect is that it’s never an...
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