Garden weather is nearly upon us, and after the cold dark winter we have experienced, some sunshine is needed. With the warmer, longer days approaching, you may be considering a gazebo for your garden. Not only do they protect you from the sun, but they can also shield you from the odd rainstorm that might appear.
A question we are asked quite often is, do you need planning permission for a gazebo? The good news is that, in most cases, planning permission is not required. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule.
If you live within some areas of the UK, you will require planning permission to proceed. Suppose you live within a protected area like a National Park or World Heritage Site. In that case, you will need planning permission no matter what the structure is.
Suppose you already have extensions, sheds, summerhouses etc., within your garden. In that case, you need to check that the addition of a gazebo will not take you over the 50% limit for outdoor buildings.