Moss Control and Prevention

Ridding your lawn of moss typically requires a two-pronged attack! Firstly, you want to remove the moss then try to stop it coming back. The best way is scarifying, physically removing the moss by raking or a mechanical scarifier (for larger areas) and then reseeding grass to stop moss regrowth. Moss in a lawn usually means there is a problem: -Poor drainage -Too much shade -Acidic soil -Lack of fertiliser -Grass cut too short -Heavy foot traffic Depending of the seriousness of your moss problem, in mild cases you may just need some simple scarifying and then improvement of the overall health of your lawn with fertilizer (some fertilsers can also contain moss killer for double effect). If the problem is more serious you will need a combination of moss...
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What’s Making My Turf So Muddy?

Have you noticed that your turf is looking very muddy? This is an issue that can be frustrating to deal with. A muddy lawn can have a negative impact on the appearance of your home. In many cases, it can also be an indicator of a larger problem. Because of that, this is an issue you’ll want to deal with head-on. Your Lawn May Be Neglected In some cases, a muddy lawn is a sign that your turf isn’t getting enough care from you. You’ll want to make sure you’re mowing your lawn every week, and you’ll want to regularly rake your lawn as well. You may want to try fertilizing your lawn; this can improve the overall health of your turf. If you don’t have enough time for landscaping,...
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3 alternative bug repellent options for plants

Pesky little insects that share the same habitat as your plants can eventually do serious damage to your plants ruining all of your hard work so it’s important to get rid of them as soon as you spot them. Unfortunately, this is not a one job task, it requires minimal effort but you will need to routinely use repellents to ensure they do not come back. Fortunately, there are many household products that you can use as a natural bug repellent. We have put together a list of our top 3 everyday items that can be used to repel bugs. 1. Soapy water – mix 5 tablespoons of washing up liquid with 4 cups of water and spray on your plants. 2. Beer – snails and slugs love the taste...
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How to Grow Chilli Peppers!

Homegrown chilli peppers have an exceptional flavour, colour and texture to them which sometimes are not easy to pick up in supermarkets. Chilli peppers can add substantial flavour to any dish whilst containing heaps of nutrients, so it really is a great choice to grow at home. Follow these simple steps on how to grow chilli peppers. 1. Pick your seed – Chilli peppers come in different varieties. Some are super-hot and some are mild. 2. Sow – Chilli pepper seeds can be started off from seed sown from February to April but it is best to start as early as possible. Seeds should be kept at temperatures of 18-21°C. Keep them in a light place and water. 3. Move the seedlings individually into 9-10cm (3-4in) pots when two true...
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Cleaning your awning

A lot of customers often ask us, how do I clean and care for my awning? Whilst all of our awnings are high quality and long-lasting, you will still need to maintain your awning to keep it looking its best. Cleaning your awning is not a huge task and is something you should aim to do at the beginning and end of the summer season. By doing this you will start your summer season with a clean awning and will prevent any damage to it whilst it is rolled up during winter months when it may not be in use often. It is also a good idea to give it a good hose down once a month during the summer months to remove any loose debris. There are 3 simple...
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