Gravelled gardens

I am very understanding when it comes to gardens and gardening. I know that not everyone can dedicate the kind of time it takes to gardening as some mothers; be they retired, professionals or they choose to dedicate a lot of their free time to that outdoor pursuit. I have seen all kinds of techniques to make a garden look nice, but to reduce the amount of time it takes to maintain. Gravelling is one such option.

I have seen this sort of thing being called “lazy” by many of my contemporaries who, frankly, were born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Gravelling is an effective way to make your space look fantastic (assuming it is done well of course) and minimises the amount of time you need to spend weeding, planting etc that’s not to say it is the only method you should employ; many people use a combination of methods to minimise the time, add a dash of colour and make the whole thing look great.